Friday 16 October 2015

Water Level Indicator with Alarm System

This is a simple and very useful circuit to check the water level in a container or a Tank. It gives visual indication at three levels and when the tank is about to overflow then it gives audio alarm. This is a very economical and easy to build project. But please take the help of adults if you are not familiar with soldering iron.

Required Things

Required Tools

Circuit Diagram
Construction and Description:

Paint the rectangular wooden base of the size 8 inches x 6 inches with acrylic color.
If you are not familiar with soldering technique then ask an adult or go to your nearest electronics shop and ask them to assemble the circuit on general purpose board (according to the circuit diagram).
Fix the plastic container on the wooden base (as shown in the picture above).
Fix the battery, buzzer and assembled board on the wooden base with the help of Foam Tape.
Make a probe of an insulating material such as plastic (you can use empty sheel of pen) as shown but ensure that its length is more than the height plastic container.
Put the probe vertically inside the empty plastic container.
Now attach the battery clip to the battery and start filling the water in the container.
As the water crosses each level of the probe in the container, you will notice the corresponding visual indication on the circuit. And in the last level alarm will sound.

After Whole Assembly 

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