Monday 19 October 2015

Automatic Railway Gate Control System with High Speed Alerting System

The main aim of this project is to operate and control the unmanned railway gate in the proper manner in order to avoid the accidents in the unmanned railway crossing. In a country like ours where there are many unmanned railway crossings, accidents are increasing day by day. These train accidents are due to the absence of human power in the railway. In order to overcome the accidents due to the above problem we have planned to design the project.

Automatic Railway Gate Control System with High Speed Alerting System is an innovative circuit which automatically controls the operation of railway gates detecting the arrival and departure of trains at the gate. It has detectors at the far away distance on the railway track which allows us to know the arrival and departure of the train. These detectors are given to microcontroller which activates the motors which open/close the railway gate correspondingly.

Another feature of this circuit is that it has an intelligent alerting system which detects the speed of the train that is arriving. If the speed is found to be higher than the normal speed, then the microcontroller automatically activates the alarm present at the gate. This alerts the passengers at the railway crossing on the road about this. Also This circuit has the feature for Identification of train from other intruders i.e, animals etc .This can be implemented in manned level crossings also, as manual errors can be eliminated by automation.

Circuit Diagram of Automatic Railway Gate Controller:

Circuit Operation:

The operation of the circuit can be clearly explained as follows. Basically the circuit consists of four IR LED-Photodiode pairs arranged on either side of the gate such that IR LED and photodiodes are on either side of the track as shown in the figure below.

Initially transmitter is continuously transmitting the IR light which is made to fall on the receiver. When the train arrives it cuts the light falling on receiver. Let us assume the train is arriving from left to right, now when the train cuts the 1st sensor pair a counter is activated and when it crosses 2nd sensor pair the counter is stopped. This counter value gives the time period which is used to calculate the velocity of the train.

The sensor2 output is sent to microcontroller which makes the relay activate which causes the gate to be closed. Now when the last carriage of the train cuts the sensor4 microcontroller de-activates the relay and gates are opened.

How does the sensor know the last carriage?

Here as previously mentioned the counter value is used to calculate the velocity of the train, which means that every wheel of the carriage cuts the sensor pair within small fraction of time based on its velocity. After the last carriage is passed there is no obstacle to the sensor pair within that fraction of time hence it knows that the train has left.
 also Read this article 
One more feature of this circuit is detecting a train accurately i.e, there may be a chance that some obstacle (for e.g some animal) may cut the sensor then in such a case the counter is made to run for certain period of time (this time period is set considering the possible lowest speed of train) if the obstacle does not cut the 2nd sensor before this predefined time then this obstacle is not considered as train and gates remain opened.

One more advantage of calculating the velocity of train is, if the speed of the train crosses a limit i.e, if it is traveling at an over speed then the passengers are alerted using a by activating a buzzer.

The system basically comprises two IR LED – Photodiode pairs, which are installed on the railway track at about 1 meter apart, with the transmitter and the photodiode of each pair on the opposite sides of the track. The installation is as shown in the block diagram. The system displays the time taken by the train in crossing this distance from one pair to the other with a resolution of 0.01 second from which the speed of the vehicle can be calculated as follows:

Speed (kmph) = Distance/Time

As distance between the sensors is known and constant, the time is counted by the microcontroller and from this information, we can calculate the speed.

This circuit has been designed considering the maximum permissible speed for trains as per the traffic rule.

The microcontroller is used to process the inputs that are provided by the sensors and generate the desired outputs appropriately

Sunday 18 October 2015

NBC Predicts: All Americans Will Receive A Microchip Implant In 2017 Per Obamacare

(National Report of America)  In a controversial move by the Catholic church, Pope Francis has come out in vocal support of RFID Chip technologies and the extraordinary potential they hold for mankind. The outrage stems from a belief held by many Evangelicals, Fundamentalists and Catholics, that RFID implants are the Mark Of The Beast, spoken about in their Holy Book’s chapter regarding the end of the world.

During the Pontiff’s weekly general address, he spoke to the crowd about his view on the RFID technology, and assured his many followers that no spiritual harm can come from receiving an RFID implant.

“We have examined the scriptures thoroughly, and I can conclusively say that there’s nothing to indicate that RFID Chips are Satanic in anyway. If anything, these devices are a blessing from God himself, bestowed upon humanity to solve many of the world’s ills.”

He went onto urge his devotees to be open minded in this era where brilliant new technological advancements are being made everyday. The Bishop of Rome explained to those in attendance his excitement over making RFID implantation a mandatory procedure for all employees and residents of the Vatican.

Last month, NBC predicted that by 2017, every American will own a RFID implant. Not surprising, considering humanities ever increasing reliance on technology. With the advent of products like Google Glass, the merging of Man and Machine inches closer each day. Widespread implantation of the RFID chip would be an enormous and historic leap into that glorious, utopian future.

Late last year the citizens of Hanna, Wyoming helped to beta test RFID implantation. Everyone residing in the small town carries an RFID device between the skin of their thumb and forefinger, using it both as an ID and a method for paying for goods and services. Towns members state that the opinion of the RFID is overwhelmingly positive, and are proud to be the first Americans to have received the implant.

Several aspects of modern society can be improved with the implementation of RFID technology. Crimes such as kidnapping and identity theft would cease to exist. In medical emergencies where the patient is incapacitated, doctors can find life saving information by scanning the individual’s RFID chip, and for those people who love shopping, you’ll never have to carry money that can be stolen, or debt cards that can be lost; Now your entire banking information is literally in the palm of you hand.

With the Pope’s endorsement and blessing, interest in RFID implantation is sure to see a wider acceptance from members of the church. This could, hopefully, be the push that this agenda needs to gain household recognition.

Precautions for human Safety in industrial Applications

It’s vitally important to take safety precautions when working with electricity. Safety must not be compromised and some ground rules need to be followed first. The basic guidelines regarding safe handling of electricity documented below will help you while working with electricity.

1. Avoid water at all times when working with electricity. Never touch or try repairing any electrical equipment or circuits with wet hands. It increases the conductivity of electric current.

2. Never use equipment with frayed cords, damaged insulation or broken plugs.

3. If you are working on any receptacle at your home then always turn off the mains. It is also a good idea to put up a sign on the service panel so that nobody turns the main switch ON by accident.

4. Always use insulated tools while working.

5. Electrical hazards include exposed energized parts and unguarded electrical equipment which may become energized unexpectedly. Such equipment always carries warning signs like “Shock Risk”. Always be observant of such signs and follow the safety rules established by the electrical code followed by the country you’re in.

6. Always use appropriate insulated rubber gloves and goggles while working on any branch circuit or any other electrical circuit.

7. Never try repairing energized equipment. Always check that it is de-energized first by using a tester. When an electric tester touches a live or hot wire, the bulb inside the tester lights up showing that an electrical current is flowing through the respective wire. Check all the wires, the outer metallic covering of the service panel and any other hanging wires with an electrical tester before proceeding with your work. 

Also Read this article How a nuclear reactor makes electricity

8. Never use an aluminium or steel ladder if you are working on any receptacle at height in your home. An electrical surge will ground you and the whole electric current will pass through your body. Use a bamboo, wooden or a fibreglass ladder instead.

9. Know the wire code of your country.

10. Always check all your GFCI’s once a month. A GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) is a RCD (Residual Current Device). They have become very common in modern homes, especially damp areas like the bathroom and kitchen, as they help avoid electrical shock hazards. It is designed to disconnect quickly enough to avoid any injury caused by over current or short circuit faults.

11. Always use a circuit breaker or fuse with the appropriate current rating. Circuit breakers and fuses are protection devices that automatically disconnect the live wire when a condition of short circuit or over current occurs. The selection of the appropriate fuse or circuit breaker is essential. Normally for protection against short circuits a fuse rated of 150% of the normal circuit current is selected. In the case of a circuit with 10 amperes of current, a 15 ampere fuse will protect against direct short circuits whereas a 9.5 amperes fuse will blow out.

12. Working outside with underground cabling can be dangerous. The damp soil around the cable is a good conductor of electricity and ground faults are quite common in the case of underground cabling. Using a spade to dig at the cable can damage the wiring easily so it is better to dig at the cable by hand while wearing insulated gloves.

13. Always put a cap on the hot/live wire while working on an electric board or service panel as you could end up short circuiting the bare ends of the live wire with the neutral. The cap insulates the copper ends of the cable thus preventing any kind of shock even if touched mistakenly.

14. Take care while removing a capacitor from a circuit. A capacitor stores energy and if it’s not properly discharged when removed it can easily cause an electric shock. An easy way to discharge low voltage capacitor is that after removal from the circuit is to put the tip of two insulated screw drivers on the capacitor terminals. This will discharge it. For high voltage ones a 12 Volts light bulb can be used. Connecting the bulb with the capacitor will light up the bulb using up the last of the stored energy.

15. Always take care while soldering your circuit boards. Wear goggles and keep yourself away from the fumes. Keep the solder iron in its stand when not in use; it can get extremely hot and can easily cause burns.

Saturday 17 October 2015

How to get free paypal in Pakistan within few steps

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Density Based Traffic Signal System using Microcontroller

Nowadays, controlling the traffic becomes major issue because of rapid increase in automobiles and also because of large time delays between traffic lights. So, in order to rectify this problem, we will go for density based traffic lights system. This article explains you how to control the traffic based on density.

In this system, we will use IR sensors to measure the traffic density. We have to arrange one IR sensor for each road; these sensors always sense the traffic on that particular road. All these sensors are interfaced to the microcontroller. Based on these sensors, controller detects the traffic and controls the traffic system.

Density Based Traffic Signal System Circuit Principle:

The main heart of this traffic system is microcontroller. IR sensors are connected to the PORT C (PC0, PC1, PC2, and PC3) of the microcontroller and traffic lights are connected to PORT B and PORT D. If there is a traffic on road then that particular sensor output becomes logic 0 otherwise logic 1. By receiving these IR sensor outputs, we have to write the program to control the traffic system.

If you receive logic 0 from any of these sensors, we have to give the green signal to that particular path and give red signal to all other paths. Here continuously we have to monitor the IR sensors to check for the traffic.

Density Based Traffic Signal System Circuit Diagram:

Circuit Components:

ATmega8 controller
PCB board
IR sensors -4
12v Battery or adaptor
Serial cable
Connecting wires

Density Based Traffic Light Control System Circuit Design:

This circuit consists of 4 IR sensors, atmega8 microcontroller, 4 traffic lights.

IR transmitter looks like an LED. This IR transmitter always emits IR rays from it. The operating voltage of this IR transmitter is 2 to 3v. These IR (infra red) rays are invisible to the human eye. But we can view these IR rays through camera.

IR receiver receives IR rays that are transmitted by IR transmitter. Normally IR receiver has high resistance in order of mega ohms, when it is receiving IR rays the resistance is very low. The operating voltage of IR receiver also 2 to 3V.

We have to place these IR pair in such a way that when we place an obstacle in front of this IR pair, IR receiver should be able to receive the IR rays. When we give the power, the transmitted IR rays hit the object and reflect back to the IR receiver.

Instead of traffic lights, you can use LEDs (RED, GREEN, YELLOW). In normal traffic system, you have to glow the LEDs on time basis. If the traffic density is high on any particular path, then glows green LED of that particular path and glows the red LEDs for remaining paths.

In normal traffic system, we allow the traffic for a time delay of 1 minute for each path.

The above figure shows the IR sensor circuit. Here 330 ohm resistor is used to drop the voltage otherwise IR transmitter may get damaged. To vary the obstacle sensing distance, we have used a potentiometer. We have taken the ouput from transistor collector. This sensor gives the digital output.

                                               Download Project Code

How to Operate Density based Traffic Signal System Circuit?

Connect 12V battery or adaptor to the development board.
Switch on the supply.
Burn the program to the ATmega8 microcontroller by keeping the programming switch sw2 in program mode.
Connect four IR sensors to PORT C.
Connect LEDs to PORT B and PORT D.
Arrange all this LED’s same as like traffic lights.
Arrange one IR sensor for each road.
Now you can see the normal traffic system based on time basis.
Now if you place any obstacle in front of any IR sensor, then the system allows the traffic of that particular path by glowing GREEN light.
Finally, turn off the board power supply.

Applications of Density Based Traffic Signal System:

This project is mainly used to control the traffic in metropolitan cities.

Limitations of this Circuit: 

IR sensors sometimes may absorb normal light also. As a result, traffic system works in improper way.
IR sensors work only for fewer distances.
We have to arrange IR sensors in accurate manner otherwise they may not detect the traffic density.


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DTMF Controlled Robot without Microcontroller

DTMF is the acronym for Dual tone modulation frequency. Robotic vehicle based on DTMF technology is explained in this article. Here is a circuit that operates the robot without using a microcontroller. This circuit consists of simple ICs.

When a key is pressed from our mobile, it generates a tone combination of two frequencies from our keypad. In the two frequencies, one is high frequency and another one is low frequency. This frequency can be decoded by the decoder IC into binary sequence.

DTMF Based Robotic Vehicle Circuit Principle:

 DTMF based robotic vehicle circuit consists of DTMF decoder IC, driver IC l293D IC and motors.

DTMF decoder IC used is HT9107B. It has 18 pins. Tone from DTMF encoder is given to the DTMF decoder IC. The decoder IC internally, consists of operational amplifier whose output is given to pre filters to separate low and high frequencies. Then it is passed to code detector circuit and it decodes the incoming tone into 4bits of binary data. This data at the output is directly given to the driver IC to drive the two motors. These motors rotate according to the decoded output.

Circuit Diagram of DTMF Controlled Robotic Vehicle without using Microcontroller:

Circuit Components:

DTMF Decoder IC (HT9107B)
Motor Driver IC
Resistors – R1, R2 & R3
Capacitors – C1 to C4
Crystal Oscillator

DTMF Controlled Robot Circuit Design:

The main components of the circuit are DTMF decoder IC, motor driver IC and motors. The decoder IC used here is HT9107B IC. The second pin of decoder IC is an inverting pin of the operational amplifier.

Tone is applied to the IC through a series of capacitor and resistor. The output of the Op Amp is feed back through GS pin of the IC. An external crystal is connected to the 7th and 8th pins of the IC.

Motor driver IC used is L293D. It has 16 pins. 2, 7, 10, 15 pins are the inputs of motor driver IC connected from output pins of the decoder IC. The output pins are 3, 6, 11, 14. These pins are connected to the two motors of robotic vehicle. 8th pin is connected to the 5v. Vss is the input voltage with which the motors runs. Motors cannot be driven with 5Vof microcontroller. So, a driver IC is used to amplify this voltage. VSS pin provides this voltage.

How DTMF based Robotic Vehicle Circuit Works?

Arrange the robot mechanically i.e. connect the wheels to the motors, place the circuit on the robot with a mobile fixed to it.
  • Now press ‘5’ from your mobile, robot starts moving forward.
  • Now press ‘0’ from your mobile, robot starts moving backward.
  • Now press ‘2’ to rotate the robot in left direction.
  • Now press ‘8’ to rotate the robot in right direction.

DTMF Controlled Robotic Vehicle Circuit Applications:

DTMF robot with slight modifications can be used in industrial applications.
DTMF robot with human detector sensor can be used at the time of disasters like earth quake to detect the human under buildings.
DTMF robot with camera can be used in surveillance systems.

Limitations of DTMF Controlled Robotic Vehicle :

DTMF robot may not work properly if it is operated with another mobile when there is no signal.
Mobiles with particular jacks are only used.

Friday 16 October 2015

Rules for K-mapping Easy to understand and Easy Remember

Karnaugh Maps - Rules of Simplification

The Karnaugh map uses the following rules for the simplification of expressions by grouping together adjacent cells containing ones

Groups may not include any cell containing a zero

Groups may be horizontal or vertical, but not diagonal.

Groups must contain 1, 2, 4, 8, or in general 2n cells.
That is if n = 1, a group will contain two 1's since 21 = 2.
If n = 2, a group will contain four 1's since 22 = 4.

Each group should be as large as possible.

Each cell containing a one must be in at least one group.
Groups may overlap

Groups may wrap around the table. The leftmost cell in a row may be grouped with the rightmost cell and the top cell in a column may be grouped with the bottom cell.

There should be as few groups as possible, as long as this does not contradict any of the previous rules.

No zeros allowed.
No diagonals.
Only power of 2 number of cells in each group.
Groups should be as large as possible.
Every one must be in at least one group.
Overlapping allowed.
Wrap around allowed.
Fewest number of groups possible.

How a nuclear reactor makes electricity

 A nuclear reactor produces and controls the release of energy from splitting the atoms of uranium.

Uranium-fuelled nuclear power is a clean and efficient way of boiling water to make steam which drives turbine generators. Except for the reactor itself, a nuclear power station works like most coal or gas-fired power stations.

The Reactor Core
Several hundred fuel assemblies containing thousands of small pellets of ceramic uranium oxide fuel make up the core of a reactor.  For a reactor with an output of 1000 megawatts (MWe), the core would contain about 75 tonnes of enriched uranium.
In the reactor core the U-235 isotope fissions or splits, producing a lot of heat in a continuous process called a chain reaction.  The process depends on the presence of a moderator such as water or graphite, and is fully controlled.
The moderator slows down the neutrons produced by fission of the uranium nuclei so that they go on to produce more fissions.

Some of the U-238 in the reactor core is turned into plutonium and about half of this is also fissioned similarly, providing about one third of the reactor's energy output.
The fission products remain in the ceramic fuel and undergo radioactive decay, releasing a bit more heat.  They are the main wastes from the process.
The reactor core sits inside a steel pressure vessel, so that water around it remains liquid even at the operating temperature of over 320°C.  Steam is formed either above the reactor core or in separate pressure vessels, and this drives the turbine to produce electricity.  The steam is then condensed and the water recycled.

PWRs and BWRs

The main design is the pressurised water reactor (PWR) which has water in its primary cooling/heat transfer circuit, and generates steam in a secondary circuit.  The less popular boiling water reactor (BWR) makes steam in the primary circuit above the reactor core, though it is still under considerable pressure.  Both types use water as both coolant and moderator, to slow neutrons.
The main design is the pressurised water reactor (PWR) which has water in its primary cooling/heat transfer circuit, and generates steam in a secondary circuit.  The less popular boiling water reactor (BWR) makes steam in the primary circuit above the reactor core, though it is still under considerable pressure.  Both types use water as both coolant and moderator, to slow neutrons.

Natural Prehistoric Reactors

The world's first nuclear reactors operated naturally in a uranium deposit about two billion years ago in what is now Gabon. These were in rich uranium orebodies in the Earth's crust and moderated by percolating rainwater. (At that time the uranium-235 isotope was more concentrated than it is today.)

Nuclear energy's contribution to global electricity supply
Nuclear energy supplies some 12% of the world's electricity. Today 31 countries use nuclear energy to generate up to three quarters of their electricity, and a substantial number of these depend on it for one-quarter to one-third of their supply. Over 15,000 reactor-years of operational experience have been accumulated since the 1950s by the world's 440 nuclear power reactors (and nuclear reactors powering naval vessels have clocked up a similar amount).

Water Level Indicator with Alarm System

This is a simple and very useful circuit to check the water level in a container or a Tank. It gives visual indication at three levels and when the tank is about to overflow then it gives audio alarm. This is a very economical and easy to build project. But please take the help of adults if you are not familiar with soldering iron.

Required Things

Required Tools

Circuit Diagram
Construction and Description:

Paint the rectangular wooden base of the size 8 inches x 6 inches with acrylic color.
If you are not familiar with soldering technique then ask an adult or go to your nearest electronics shop and ask them to assemble the circuit on general purpose board (according to the circuit diagram).
Fix the plastic container on the wooden base (as shown in the picture above).
Fix the battery, buzzer and assembled board on the wooden base with the help of Foam Tape.
Make a probe of an insulating material such as plastic (you can use empty sheel of pen) as shown but ensure that its length is more than the height plastic container.
Put the probe vertically inside the empty plastic container.
Now attach the battery clip to the battery and start filling the water in the container.
As the water crosses each level of the probe in the container, you will notice the corresponding visual indication on the circuit. And in the last level alarm will sound.

After Whole Assembly 

Thursday 15 October 2015

How to Compensate Power Factor in 5 ways

Power Factor Improving Methods
1-Individual (fixed) Compensation
2-Group Compensation
3-Centralize Compensation
4-Dynamic PFC
5-Active Harmonic Filter